Monday, May 23, 2011

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who gives you hugs.

A friend is someone who will get up at 5:30 in the morning with you just to watch the sunset.

A friend is someone who helps you dig a sand spur out of your foot.

A friend is someone who will climb up a giant sand dune with you...

Just so they can jump back down. Then climb back up and do it again.
A friend is someone who will put on a skin tight wetsuit just so they can swim in the 50 degree ocean water for 30 minutes, then get out and struggle for 20 minutes to get the wetsuit off.
A friend is someone who will pose in front of an old outhouse with you.

A friend is someone you can laugh with for hours on end.

A friend is someone who will run on the beach with you.

A friend is someone who will get out of the warm, wind-less car and mess up their hair so you can all get a picture on a giant chair together.

I miss being in North Carolina with my best friends.

Hurry up Summer.

So usually at the end of the school year I'm upset at the fact that I wont be able to see my friends everyday in class, but this year, I could really care less. I'm so over school and everything about it. Now that I can drive and have a car, I don't care that I wont be able to see them at school every day. I can see them whenever I want to, and at a way more convient time than 8 in the morning. I'm so ready for those summer days when I can sleep late, lay out all day, and hang out all night and do it again and again. School is such a stress-maker. I have been so stressed out about school lately, and I don't even know why. I'm just SO ready for it to be over for the summer. I've gotten to the point where I don't even care what I make on certain tests or assignments in some classes, because I know I'll either have an A average to exempt or use my "good faith" exemptions to get out of the final anyways. For example, I just raced through a Spanish test. I mean I'm fairly confident I made a low A or maybe a high B, but I honestly don't care about how I did on it because I plan on using my good faith exemption for Spanish. But oh well, whatever. I, like everyone else, just want school to be over. I'm sooooo ready for summer; no school, no stress, no worries.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Questions to ponder....

I love looking at these questions...  they make me giggle (:
Click the link! >>>  Questions to Ponder.

If you actually go through and read all of the questions in the link I posted in my last blog, some of them really do make you wonder why those things are the way they are.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Prom..... took forever to get here, but it was over in a flash.

All little girls dream about prom at least once during their childhood. I remember when I was little I loved looking at prom dresses. When I went to a department store or dressy store, I would always look through the prom dresses and imagine myself in them. Even just a couple years ago at the end of my freshman year, I remember going through everyone's prom pictures on facebook and looking at everyone's dresses and hairstyles. Last year at the end of my sophomore year, I was a prom attendant so I had the opportunity to actually go to prom and serve punch and give out favors, so instead of going on people's facebooks to see their prom pictures, I actually got to see everyone's beautiful dresses and hairstyles at prom itself. I remember being so jealous that it wasn't time for my prom yet, I remember how anxious I was about it. It felt like it was never going to get here, and I was so scared that I would be let down because I had built it up so much in my mind. But before I knew it, I was finally a junior and prom was only 9 months away. Then Christmas came and it was only 5 months away. Then spring break was over, and it was only a short 2 months away. Then finally, the week of prom came and nobody could stop talking about it. I was starting to get so stressed (as I wrote about in my last blog). Prom has so many decisions to be made in such a short amount of time and it really sneaks up on you if you have a busy life like I do. I had no idea about all the time and money that goes into it. When you're a little girl admiring dresses and hair, you don't realize how much time and money it takes to find the perfect ensemble for yourself and your date. But, luckily, everything was ready in time :) And I was NOT dissappointed in the way prom turned out for me this year, I had just as much fun as I had always imagined having. I'm so excited for prom next year!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seaside Seranade Stress

Prom is so soon, it's only like 15 days away. It's really starting to stress me out. Tyler has to go get his tux and I still haven't decided what color I want him to wear, I have to go get a part of my dress fixed, I have to find shoes to wear, I have to decide how I want my hair fixed, I have to either pick out or make flowers, we have to decide forsure what we're doing before and after prom, ahhhhhhh! I didn't realize that there was so much stuff to do and figure out! But it will all fall together in time...I hope.


So I'm pretty positive that instead of senioritis, I have junioritis. Already. I don't even wanna get up in the mornings to go to school anymore. I've stopped fixing my hair everyday, most of the time I just throw it in a ponytail or put a headband in. I just feel like school is just a waste of my time at this point. I think a big part of that is being in AP US HIstory though, I seriously hate it. It's stressing me out so much. I'm just ready to get the AP Exam over with and for summer to get here. The only think I really like about school is seeing Tyler everyday, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. But sometimes he's in a bad mood and it just makes school seem that much worse. I can't wait to not go to school for a couple months. If I already have junioritis, I can't imagane how bad it's gonna be when I have senioritis....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SB '11!

I'm not going to write as much about Spring Break in this blog as I probably should, but it would take WAY too long to even begin to start telling you about how awesome it was and everything I did. But here I go!

So for this Spring Break, I went to Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina with my 3 bestfriends (Emily, Ann, and Erin) and Ann's mom. Kill Devil Hills is on the Outerbanks of North Carolina. it was about a 16 hour long drive! We stayed with Ann's mom's cousin and her husband. She showed us sooo much fun stuff to do and was an awesome chef for the week! Here's what we did all week:
Friday- Drive, drive, get lost, drive, get lost again, drive, drive! Oh, and went to the freezing beach (:
Saturday- Went to Cape Hattaras lighthouse, went to a beach, rode a ferry to Ocracoke, went to Ocracoke lighthouse, spent the day in Ocracoke, rode the ferry back to the Outerbanks, saw a double full rainbow!
Sunday- Went to church, Ann got an awesome donut, layed out, swam in the 50 degree ocean water with Ann in wetsuits, layed out again, watched the sunset, went back to the house and chillllllled.
Monday- Went to the beach, layed out, watched Emily build a sandcastle, swam in the cold water again to the point where my feet were so cold they started burning, watched the sunset, went back to the house and chilllllled.
Tuesday- Ate at FatBoyz, Emily/Ann/Connie got henna tattoos, drove to Duck, Corolla, and Curritick, went to Curritick Beach lighthouse, drove back to the house, went out with Emily/Ann/Erin, went shopping at Tanger Outlets, saw a thick rainbow and chased it to the beach, went back to the house and chilllled.
Wednesday- Watched the sunset on the pier, went back to sleep, went to the Wright's brother's memorial, got icecream at FatBoyz, went to the sand dunes, jumped down the sand dunes repeatedly, Emily faceplanted down the sand dunes, went back to the house, packed all of our stuff up, went back out with Emily/Ann/Erin, watched the sunset on the sand dunes, jumped down the sand dunes again, spit Ann's Frosty all over the floor at Wendys from laughing so hard, went back to the house, watched Burlesque!
Thursday- Drive, drive, drive, get lost in the Tennessee mountains, saw an old man fall into a ditch on the interstate, drive, drive, got back to Ann's, played baseball with apples, went home.

Well that's my trip to North Carolina in a nutshell..... It was a blast!

Monday, April 11, 2011


I really really REALLY want to have more food days in class. It just really hits the spot to have snacks during this period because I'm always craving food in this class right before lunch. The food days are also a good way for us to get along as classmates and open our eyes to new and yummy foods! So I'm hoping Mrs. Matthews will read this and let us have more... (:

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I don't know why, but I've cried a lot lately. And when I say "a lot" I mean A LOT. Like almost every day. And it's not like all these huge, traumatic things keep happening to make me cry, I've just been crying over stupid little things. I have no idea why either. I've just been so overly emotional the past week and it sucks. SUCKS. I hope I'm not like that this week too... :(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

That one day.

So today is that "one day" that happens once a year. Not Christmas, not Valentine's Day, not Halloween, not Labor Day, not the first day of school (thankfully), not the last day of school (unfortunately).... it's my birthday! To celebrate my birthday, as I mentioned a couple blogs ago, I'm going to a Nashville Predators hockey game with my family and my boyfriend. I'm soooo excited. I can't wait (:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Giggle giggle.

So in Anatomy the other day, I was on this one website that has funny pictures on it and all of them were pretty funny and I was holding in my laughter, but as soon as I saw this one I couldn't control it. I don't even know why I think this picture's so funny, but it just cracks me up! I love the big random red blob riding on the bicycle, hahahaha.

Monday, March 14, 2011

O, opossum.

So today on my way to school, I almost hit a opossum! :( It was so scary! I going around the first curve on the curvy road beside Daviess County High School and BOOM. There it was. An ugly, little, helpless, clueless opossum. Just sitting there in the middle of my lane. I didnt know whether I should keep going straight to avoid wrecking, resulting in the death of the discusting creature, or if I should swerve a tiny bit, risking wrecking, resulting in saving the ugly thing's life. I had to think fast... what should I do? Should I save myself or save the "thing"? Such a big decision and a mere second to decide.... what did I do? I, the almighty Jordan, chose to SAVE the opossum! Yes, I saved it. Needless to say, I'm pretty positive the car behind me ran over it... but I didn't. All that matters is I'm not a murderer (:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

17 more days!

So my birthday's in 17 days, and I already got my present this morning. As soon as I got out of bed and I was about to walk into the bathroom to fix my hair, my dad called me in the family room. He was opening an envelope. He said "Come here, look." So I walked over to him and I looked at what was in his hands, and it was a little note from one of our friends that is a security guard at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville (the professional hockey arena) and tickets to a Nashville Predators hockey game. So I asked who they were for and when he said they were for us, I was like "Awe, sweet! When are we going?" After I asked, he pointed at the date on the tickets, and it said Tuesday, March 22nd, which is my birthday (: I was soo excited! But in second period, I emailed my mom and told her it would be really cool if we could either get VIP passes to go talk to all of the players after the game or if Tyler (my boyfriend) could go with us too... I knew the chances of either one of those happening were highly unlikely, but I figured I'd ask anyways. But after we had emailed back and forth for most of the period about how my dad wasn't supposed to tell me about the tickets yet, she emailed me and told me they were getting an extra ticket for Tyler to go too! I'm seriously so excited, I LOVE Predators games. I can't wait to go with my family and Tyler, I hope he loves it and has as much fun as I do (:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ugly is the new cute (:

Have you ever seen a baby animal that's so ugly, it's actually kinda cute? Well, me and Chase just googled some and here's what we came up with.

A baby sugarglider ^

A baby hedgehog ^

A baby buffalo ^

A baby orangutan ^

A baby platypus ^

A baby kinkajou ^

A baby aardvark ^

A baby rhino ^

A baby emu ^

A baby hippo^

That's all we could come up with during our blogging time in class...  we might add more if we can think of some though! (:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Arctic Foxes-

This weekend was my last girls hockey tournament of
the season... I'm pretty bummed the season's over :( I had so much fun this season though, as always. I love playing hockey with my girls. I enjoy it so much more than when I play with the boys. When I play with the girls team, I feel like I put so much more effort into playing. I feel more aggressive, more appreciated, more important, more successful. I feel like my passes are always caught and I feel like I actually do something to help out the team. My girls team is like a family to me. We have grown so much as players and as friends in the short two years we've been together. We've had people come, and we've had people go. But regardless of who leaves, we make the best of it. If they don't need us, we don't need them. Last season, we were undefeated 20-0... but this season, we were 2-18. Even though we weren't victorious in the scorebook, there was so much personal gain. I seriously can't wait until next season, I already miss my Foxes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just one of those weeks.

Do you ever have days where pointless little things make you start crying and once you finally stop, you think about it again and overexaggerate about things that aren't going to happen but you're still scared that they will and start crying again? This whole week has been like that, ughhhh.  I'm just ready to be with Tyler on Valentine's Day (:


I swear, all this snow has put me sooo far behind on my filmings/stories for ENL. I'm supposed to film the chess tournament to count for a filming AND a story, and it's been cancelled twice. Then I was supposed to film the highschool hockey team Wednesday night as a backup plan for my next story and their game got cancelled due to bad weather. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE snow days but they're making me fall behind in my ENL stufffff!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Check mate.

So today after school, I have to stay and film the chess tournament. I mean, I guess that's exciting. I get to film bishops diagonally capturing pawns, knights making their little "L" paths around the board, and rooks kidnapping their prey by a straight shot. Queens will defend their kings and Kings will defensively move one space at a time. I, Jordan Roberts, get the privelage to film last year's champion, TERRY TRAVIS. I have to admit, I'm pretty pumped. I can't wait to see the beads of sweat as the competitors take eachother down one pawn at a time, the intense glares of rivalry, and the uninterrupted eye contact. The tears will fall as TT is once again victorious.

This blog is a false account of excitement. I'm really not excited... at all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I don't know what to blog about...

The title pretty much says it all... I have NO idea what to blog about. I just want to take this time that I'm supposed to be blogging and relax. Today's already been so stressful, and its only noon. I was supposed to be at school at 7:15 for NHS and I didn't end up getting here unitl 7:45. I had to re-interview Mr. Johnson 3 times before the audio and the microphone started picking up sound and actually working, so that was stressful. I spend all last period editing our Spanish video and we're still not done and I have to go finish it today. Akdsjafdksfjskdj. I just wanna go to church, go play my hockey game after, then go home and sleeeeep!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transition to 2011...

So I just realized yesterday that I've still been putting 2010 as the year when I write the date on all of my papers... yesterday. January's almost over and I just now realized I've been writing the wrong year on all of my papers. I should probably get used to it being 2011 soon... I'm so dumb.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.

When I was in 8th grade, my english teacher, Mrs. Atwell, did a whole unit on the holocaust. We read The Diary of Anne Frank and went in depth about what really happened. When Anne Frank is mentioned, a lot of people just say "Oh yeah, that's that one jewish girl that hid from the Nazis behind a bookshelf and they found her diary", but there's so much more to her and her story than that. It wasn't just Anne hiding, it was also her mother, her father, her sister, a whole other family (the VanDaans), and a dentist (Mr. Dussel). And they weren't just hiding behind a bookshelf, they were in a secret annex. In the annex, they had to stay extremely quiet and were only allowed to use the bathroom at certain times. Since they were in intense hiding from the Nazis and weren't allowed to leave, they relied on Miep Gies and Mr. Kraler to supply them with what they needed. When the Nazis found them, they were all deported to concentration camps. Mr. Frank was the only one that survived and he was the one who, upon returning to the annex after being rescued, found Anne's diary and decided to publish it so everyone could hear their amazing story of how they hid for so long.  

I know this kind of a random thing to blog about, but I watched "Freedom Writers" at home the other day and the holocaust is one of the main things in that movie that help the students to realize that they're all important. It reminded me of how much I loved learning about the holocaust, Anne, and her story. The holocaust is hands-down my favorite thing historical event to learn about.

But the point I'm trying to get to by writing this blog is about something Mrs. Atwell gave me. At the end of my 8th grade year, she made us color butterflies. After she took them up, she took the time to write something personal on every one of our butterflies about how she'll remember us. She told us she did this because she wanted to make all of us feel special and unique, just like butterflies. She said it's important for everyone to realize they're special so a genocide like the holocaust wont happen again. I still have my butterfly taped up on my mirror, and I see it everyday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So much to do, so little time.

So this year has already started out and I'm already looking forward to soo much. I have two hockey tournaments coming up, one in Indianapolis and one in Peoria. ADAPT/SURVIVE week for AYL where we go to middle schools and perform skits is at the end of February.The "Flourescent Fever" rave/dance is coming up in March. My 17th birthday's in March! Dare2Share is at the end of March. Maya turns 4 in April, and we're planning on breeding her sometime around then! Mine and Tyler's one year is in May :) Ichthus, aKa- Christian Woodstock, is in June. Blume at Disney World is in July... there's so many more things I just can't think that far ahead! I'm just ready for summer already!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow snow snow, come back!

So usually I don't really like missing school because it just means we have to go to school longer in the summer, but here lately I've been wanting all the snow days we can get. I guess "senioritis" is already kicking in... I guess I should call it "junioritis". I don't enjoy school anymore. I mean sure, I love seeing my friends everyday but it's just gotton a lot harder, which is expected, but it's so much more stressful than it used to be. I think I would rather have a longer school year with a shorter summer because with the snow days we get little breaks from school throughout the year. I think it would be cool to have longer fall and spring breaks just so we could have a break from school. Maybe some things will change when we switch to the trimester next year... I doubt I'll like it but I guess I'll get over it. Anyways.. I love snow and I want more of it (:

Friday, January 7, 2011

AYL... changing.

So this year of AYL seems a lot different than last year and I dont think I like it. It just seems so much more rushed than last year and I can't figure out why. It might because it's my second year so I'm more of a leader and I don't get to experience all of the "first year fun" but I still have a blast, I just don't know why it feels so different. The snow days we had in December caused us to cancel a couple general meetings so we didn't have another one until last Monday and we only have like 4 general meetings until ADAPT/Survive week (where we go to the middle schools to perform skits). It seems like we had so much more time last year... I'm just stressed about getting all of our skits down and learned before we perform them. I'm hoping it'll all workout!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dead cat.

So Monday in Anatomy we were given our disecting project we'll have for this semester... and it's a cat. A big, gassed, preserved, smelly, dead cat. We haven't started cutting it open yet though, we've only prepped it to be disected. First, we had to cut the bag open and let all the fluids from the cat leak into the sink. Then we had to take paper towels and squeeze the paws and head so they would absorb up all the liquids left in the remaining skin and fur that was still attached. Next we had to take a scalpel, cut the skin away from the muscle and tissue, and pull the skin off. When we were cutting the skin off of the cat's head, I screwed up... I accidentally cut off the temporalis muscle so you can now only see the top of the skull, I cut into one of the cat's eye sockets, and I cut through 2 veins. But it's all good. Even though it's super discusting, I'm so excited to disect it...