Friday, January 7, 2011

AYL... changing.

So this year of AYL seems a lot different than last year and I dont think I like it. It just seems so much more rushed than last year and I can't figure out why. It might because it's my second year so I'm more of a leader and I don't get to experience all of the "first year fun" but I still have a blast, I just don't know why it feels so different. The snow days we had in December caused us to cancel a couple general meetings so we didn't have another one until last Monday and we only have like 4 general meetings until ADAPT/Survive week (where we go to the middle schools to perform skits). It seems like we had so much more time last year... I'm just stressed about getting all of our skits down and learned before we perform them. I'm hoping it'll all workout!

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