Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow snow snow, come back!

So usually I don't really like missing school because it just means we have to go to school longer in the summer, but here lately I've been wanting all the snow days we can get. I guess "senioritis" is already kicking in... I guess I should call it "junioritis". I don't enjoy school anymore. I mean sure, I love seeing my friends everyday but it's just gotton a lot harder, which is expected, but it's so much more stressful than it used to be. I think I would rather have a longer school year with a shorter summer because with the snow days we get little breaks from school throughout the year. I think it would be cool to have longer fall and spring breaks just so we could have a break from school. Maybe some things will change when we switch to the trimester next year... I doubt I'll like it but I guess I'll get over it. Anyways.. I love snow and I want more of it (:

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