Monday, March 14, 2011

O, opossum.

So today on my way to school, I almost hit a opossum! :( It was so scary! I going around the first curve on the curvy road beside Daviess County High School and BOOM. There it was. An ugly, little, helpless, clueless opossum. Just sitting there in the middle of my lane. I didnt know whether I should keep going straight to avoid wrecking, resulting in the death of the discusting creature, or if I should swerve a tiny bit, risking wrecking, resulting in saving the ugly thing's life. I had to think fast... what should I do? Should I save myself or save the "thing"? Such a big decision and a mere second to decide.... what did I do? I, the almighty Jordan, chose to SAVE the opossum! Yes, I saved it. Needless to say, I'm pretty positive the car behind me ran over it... but I didn't. All that matters is I'm not a murderer (:

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