Monday, May 23, 2011

Hurry up Summer.

So usually at the end of the school year I'm upset at the fact that I wont be able to see my friends everyday in class, but this year, I could really care less. I'm so over school and everything about it. Now that I can drive and have a car, I don't care that I wont be able to see them at school every day. I can see them whenever I want to, and at a way more convient time than 8 in the morning. I'm so ready for those summer days when I can sleep late, lay out all day, and hang out all night and do it again and again. School is such a stress-maker. I have been so stressed out about school lately, and I don't even know why. I'm just SO ready for it to be over for the summer. I've gotten to the point where I don't even care what I make on certain tests or assignments in some classes, because I know I'll either have an A average to exempt or use my "good faith" exemptions to get out of the final anyways. For example, I just raced through a Spanish test. I mean I'm fairly confident I made a low A or maybe a high B, but I honestly don't care about how I did on it because I plan on using my good faith exemption for Spanish. But oh well, whatever. I, like everyone else, just want school to be over. I'm sooooo ready for summer; no school, no stress, no worries.

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