Monday, February 14, 2011

Arctic Foxes-

This weekend was my last girls hockey tournament of
the season... I'm pretty bummed the season's over :( I had so much fun this season though, as always. I love playing hockey with my girls. I enjoy it so much more than when I play with the boys. When I play with the girls team, I feel like I put so much more effort into playing. I feel more aggressive, more appreciated, more important, more successful. I feel like my passes are always caught and I feel like I actually do something to help out the team. My girls team is like a family to me. We have grown so much as players and as friends in the short two years we've been together. We've had people come, and we've had people go. But regardless of who leaves, we make the best of it. If they don't need us, we don't need them. Last season, we were undefeated 20-0... but this season, we were 2-18. Even though we weren't victorious in the scorebook, there was so much personal gain. I seriously can't wait until next season, I already miss my Foxes.

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