Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I'm pretty positive that instead of senioritis, I have junioritis. Already. I don't even wanna get up in the mornings to go to school anymore. I've stopped fixing my hair everyday, most of the time I just throw it in a ponytail or put a headband in. I just feel like school is just a waste of my time at this point. I think a big part of that is being in AP US HIstory though, I seriously hate it. It's stressing me out so much. I'm just ready to get the AP Exam over with and for summer to get here. The only think I really like about school is seeing Tyler everyday, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. But sometimes he's in a bad mood and it just makes school seem that much worse. I can't wait to not go to school for a couple months. If I already have junioritis, I can't imagane how bad it's gonna be when I have senioritis....

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