Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Role Model

"Great kings have big hearts."
                                 -Ethiopian Proverb

The person I admire most is my youth minister's wife, Brittany Zik. She is the kind of person I want to grow up to be. She is the one person I can always count on if I need to talk about anything. No matter what it is, I know I can confide in her. Regardless of what hardships are going on in her life, she always has a smile on her face. For example, last year, her and her husband, Will (my youth minister), were going through the adoption process of adopting a baby girl. They had brought her home and already had her for a couple weeks when the mother of the baby changed her mind and took her child back. Even though this was a tragic experience for them, they didn't let it get them down and instead saw it as an experience to show love to the child's mother and are now in another adoption process. She also holds me accountable to read my bible every night (she always texts me to remind me), which really means a lot that she takes the time out of her day to check up on me . Brittany is my role model, I'm so glad to have her in my life as a great Christian influence and friend!

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