Thursday, August 19, 2010


"A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense,
when you are inside you see that every tree has its place."
                                             -Ghana, Akan Proverb

Family means everything to me. I am a daughter, sister, owner, niece, granddaughter, cousin, and friend. I live with my dad, my mom, two brothers, a dog, and a cat.

My dad is the General Manager at Cheddar's Casual Cafe and he loves it. Since I'm a hostess there now, we get to work together sometimes and it gives us time to just talk and joke around with eachother. He is also the president of the Owensboro Youth Hockey Association.

My mom is a kindergarten teacher at Burns Elementary and she also loves her job. She gets to work with some of her best friends and always has a funny story to tell me about them at the end of the day. I'm closer to my mom than anyone else in my family, we talk about pretty much anything. She's also the leader of Cubbies in the AWANA children's progam at church.

My brother Ben is 13 and is a freshman here now. Him being in high school has already brought us so much closer. We still fight, but not near as much as we used to and only when one of us is in a bad mood. We're both very involved in our church youth group. He plays hockey for a travel team and the JV Owensboro highschool team as a goalie. My other brother Zach is 6 and is in first grade at Burns. He always has to be doing something. He also plays hockey and is an awesome ice skater for his age.

Oh, and I also loveeee my siberian husky, Maya. She's like my baby.

Being with my family is my favorite thing about holidays. When it comes to Christmas, I mean yeah I like the presents and food, but hanging out with my family that I haven't seen in a couple months is what I look forward to the most. I also really like going on family vacations. We make so many memories together that I don't think I'll ever forget.

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