Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Role Model

"Great kings have big hearts."
                                 -Ethiopian Proverb

The person I admire most is my youth minister's wife, Brittany Zik. She is the kind of person I want to grow up to be. She is the one person I can always count on if I need to talk about anything. No matter what it is, I know I can confide in her. Regardless of what hardships are going on in her life, she always has a smile on her face. For example, last year, her and her husband, Will (my youth minister), were going through the adoption process of adopting a baby girl. They had brought her home and already had her for a couple weeks when the mother of the baby changed her mind and took her child back. Even though this was a tragic experience for them, they didn't let it get them down and instead saw it as an experience to show love to the child's mother and are now in another adoption process. She also holds me accountable to read my bible every night (she always texts me to remind me), which really means a lot that she takes the time out of her day to check up on me . Brittany is my role model, I'm so glad to have her in my life as a great Christian influence and friend!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Follow me please, your server will be right with you."

Since the end of March, I've been a hostess at Cheddar's and I love it. All my friends are always like "Ugh, I gotta work today, work sucks" and I'm usually excited to go to work. I mean yeah, there are some things I don't like about it but the good definitely outweigh the bad. There's only a handful of people there that put me in a bad mood or piss me off, but the rest of them can always cheer me up and make me laugh. One good thing about my job is I like all of the hostesses there, there's not one of them that I don't enjoy working with. Sure, I have my favorites but everyone does. Some of mine just left for college actually, so that sucks... Another thing I like about it is that it's pretty simple. All I have to do is take parties to their table with menus and silverware, take names when we go on a wait, refill soap/paper towels/toilet paper in the bathrooms, and clean windows/highchairs. I'm so lucky to be able to work with people I enjoy being around and to have a job that I actually enjoy doing!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"Friendship doubles joy and halves the grief."
                                                     -Egyptian Proverb

This proverb is so true. To me, this proverb means that if something good happens to you, it makes it seem so much better when you're with your friends or if something bad happens, being with your friends doesn't make it seem so bad. A friend is someone you can call at 1 in the morning just to tell them something funny that happened to you today and they'll stay up all night laughing with you, or someone you can call at any time of the day crying and they'll be at your house as fast as they can to comfort you.  I love love love my friends. I have a lot of friends, and I love hanging out with all of them. But high school has made me realize that there's only a certain few that I know I can always count on no matter what. If I need to just get out and drive around and go wherever, I call Emily. If I need somewhere to just go and chill and someone to vent to, I go to Ann's. If I need someone to make me laugh, I go to Tyler. I honestly have no idea what I'd do without my friends. They have definitely all had a big part in making me who I am today.This summer was by far one of the best summer I've had because of my friends.
Me+Emily+Ann=BESTfriends (:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Like mother, like daughter

The person I am most like in my family is my mom. People usually say I look more like my dad, but I have a lot more in common with my mom. My mom and I are both very outgoing and friendly; we can make friends very easily. We're also both very talkative. When we're riding in the car together, we talk from the time we get in the car until the time we get out, no matter how long of a ride it is. We have the same tan (although hers is a little darker than mine) and the only part of our body that burns is our face.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


"A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense,
when you are inside you see that every tree has its place."
                                             -Ghana, Akan Proverb

Family means everything to me. I am a daughter, sister, owner, niece, granddaughter, cousin, and friend. I live with my dad, my mom, two brothers, a dog, and a cat.

My dad is the General Manager at Cheddar's Casual Cafe and he loves it. Since I'm a hostess there now, we get to work together sometimes and it gives us time to just talk and joke around with eachother. He is also the president of the Owensboro Youth Hockey Association.

My mom is a kindergarten teacher at Burns Elementary and she also loves her job. She gets to work with some of her best friends and always has a funny story to tell me about them at the end of the day. I'm closer to my mom than anyone else in my family, we talk about pretty much anything. She's also the leader of Cubbies in the AWANA children's progam at church.

My brother Ben is 13 and is a freshman here now. Him being in high school has already brought us so much closer. We still fight, but not near as much as we used to and only when one of us is in a bad mood. We're both very involved in our church youth group. He plays hockey for a travel team and the JV Owensboro highschool team as a goalie. My other brother Zach is 6 and is in first grade at Burns. He always has to be doing something. He also plays hockey and is an awesome ice skater for his age.

Oh, and I also loveeee my siberian husky, Maya. She's like my baby.

Being with my family is my favorite thing about holidays. When it comes to Christmas, I mean yeah I like the presents and food, but hanging out with my family that I haven't seen in a couple months is what I look forward to the most. I also really like going on family vacations. We make so many memories together that I don't think I'll ever forget.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Still kinda confused about this blogger thing...

I think having this whole blog thing instead of a writer's notebook for English is pretty cool, but I'm still trying to figure out how to work it and make my blog look pretty... I haven't quite figured it out yet. I'll probably have to get Chase to help me, because his blog looks pretty cool. But anyways, I guess I should talk about my first 2 days of school, so here I go!

 Blue day #1: ENL, Spanish 3, English, Drama Production Basics
I'm pretty excited about being in/on ENL. I can't wait to see what kind of stories we film this year, I'm sure they'll be pretty funny. I'm kinda pumped about Spanish too, I'm really excited to have Hilgenhold again this year, I missed her class. As for English, I think it'll definitely be a change. I'll have to get used to all this blogger and livebinder and wiki stuff, but I think once I get used to it I'll like it. Then there's drama... I'm excited about drama because of the people in it, but I hope the plays we're doing first semester end up being a lot better then they sound. But oh well, I guess we'll see how it all plays out. 

White day #1: Anatomy, U.S. History, Chemistry, Pre-Calculus
I'm SO excited about my anatomy class. It's the only class I have with my best friend and even though it sounds like it's going to be tough, I think it'll be a lot of fun. I can't wait to disect cats! I'm kinda worried about my U.S. History class... it's an AP class so I know the end-of-the-year exam and the class itself will be challenging but I think Paff will make it exciting. I'm looking forward to chemistry this year, but I'm not so excited about all the work we'll supposedly have according to the students she had last year. At least I have it with a lot of my friends though, plus we get to blow stuff up. So that's something to look forward to. I have a feeling Pre-Cal's going to be stressful, I'm not very good at math. But Mrs. Austin seems pretty cool, so hopefully it'll go good!

So, I think my blue days are going to be a lot easier than my white days, but I might end up changing my mind.... doubt it though. I guess that's all I have to say for now. Hopefully I'll figure out how to make this thing prettier eventually!
