Monday, November 15, 2010

Faceoffs, goals, & penalties-

Arctic Foxes hockey has finallllly started again! This past weekend was our first tournament of the season :) It was in Granite City, Illinois. The rink we played at was half outdoors (which was pretty sweet), but it was sooo cold! I can't even imagine what it feels like to play hockey there when it's snowing. I'm sure it's pretty awesome to watch it snow while playing a hockey game but I bet it's freezing! Anyways, I think we did pretty decent for our first tournament in 8 months. We had a pretty rough start, but I think it's because we went into the game thinking we were gonna have an undefeated season like we did last year... that was a rude awakening. We ended up winning 2 games and losing 2 games (I got a goal and a couple assists!), which is alright I guess for our first tournament. It really gave us an idea of the skill level of the teams we'll be playing all season. This season isn't going to be nearly as easy as last season, the division we're in this year is more balanced skill-wise than the one we were in last year. I'm sure some teams will be less of a challenge than others, but there's not any specific team that we can play with the mindset of "oh we got this, this game will be cake". But I guess that's a good thing, it'll give us more challenging games which will hopefully boost our skill level :)

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