Friday, November 19, 2010

Out of boredom...

So the other day, I was just messing around on my laptop and I decided to log on to the network, go to my H drive, and read some of my old portfolio pieces. A lot of them were kinda silly and you could tell they were written in 7th grade, but one of the pieces stuck out to me. It was the poem I wrote about hockey season. Here it is-

It is hockey season.
I see players preparing for the first
games to kick-off the season,
The freshly cut ice
            with bright blue and red lines,
And the scoreboard showing
            when the puck drops.

            It is hockey season.
I smell Febreezed equipment as my
            brother reveals it from his bag before the game,
Freshly popped, buttery popcorn
            in the concession stand,
And the sweaty teammates as they walk
off the ice to the locker rooms.

It is hockey season.
I hear coaches discussing the
            upcoming game with their players,
Sharp skate blades
chopping at the ice,
The scoreboard’s buzzer
at the end of the period,
And the cash register’s cha-ching
            as parents buy new equipment.

            It is hockey season.
I taste the cherry chilly willy
            as it slides down my throat,
The rubber of my mouthpiece
            as I chew on it nervously,
And the freshness of the
cold air as I breathe slowly.

It is hockey season.
I feel cold chills run up my spine
            as I sit on the freezing bleachers,
Adrenaline rushing through my body
            as I wait anxiously for the game to begin,
And pride in my heart after my
team just won the championship.

It is hockey season!

Now I know this isn't the best poem ever written, but I really like it. It reminds me of when I first began to play hockey and of how far I've come in the sport. I'm really glad I decided to stick with it and not give up :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Writing vs. Jordan

Writing is NOT one of my strong abilities. Whenever I'm trying to write an essay, writing totally kicks my butt and gives me a mental block. I'm about to start my timed essay for A Tale of Two Cities and I'm dreading it. But I have to do it whether I like it or not, so here I go...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Faceoffs, goals, & penalties-

Arctic Foxes hockey has finallllly started again! This past weekend was our first tournament of the season :) It was in Granite City, Illinois. The rink we played at was half outdoors (which was pretty sweet), but it was sooo cold! I can't even imagine what it feels like to play hockey there when it's snowing. I'm sure it's pretty awesome to watch it snow while playing a hockey game but I bet it's freezing! Anyways, I think we did pretty decent for our first tournament in 8 months. We had a pretty rough start, but I think it's because we went into the game thinking we were gonna have an undefeated season like we did last year... that was a rude awakening. We ended up winning 2 games and losing 2 games (I got a goal and a couple assists!), which is alright I guess for our first tournament. It really gave us an idea of the skill level of the teams we'll be playing all season. This season isn't going to be nearly as easy as last season, the division we're in this year is more balanced skill-wise than the one we were in last year. I'm sure some teams will be less of a challenge than others, but there's not any specific team that we can play with the mindset of "oh we got this, this game will be cake". But I guess that's a good thing, it'll give us more challenging games which will hopefully boost our skill level :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I am thankful for...

I take a lot of things for granted in my life that I shouldn't. I don't pay attention to how important the little things in my life really are to me. Even though I don't always show it, I'm thankful for everything in my life. I'm thankful that I get to have my own room, bathroom, bed, and clothes. I'm thankful for not having a high insurance payment on my car and phone every month. I'm thankful for my amazing parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I'm thankful that I get to live in a wonderful house that doesn't have a leaky roof and has air conditioning and heat. I'm thankful that I can go to church without being persecuted. I'm thankful for my awesome friends and boyfriend that I can always count on to cheer me up and be there for me whenver I need them. Even though I complain about getting up too early, I'm thankful that I can go to school 5 days a week and get an education that not everyone in the world has the privelage to get. I'm thankful that my parents pay for me to play hockey every year. I'm thankful for my job and all the people I work with that I love so much. I'm thankful for having freedoms at home that other kids don't get to have.
God, thank you SO much for everything you've given and will continue to give me in my life.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween weekend-

Halloween weekend was pretty fun! On Friday, I rode the pep bus to the state volleyball game in Louisville (which we won) and had a blast! The ride up there, the game, and the ride home were all so much fun. We got back to school at approximately 5:41, which was 11 minutes later than Chase and I were supposed to be back for our play. So we automatically got 11 points taken off our grade for the play that night, which was pretty dumb if you ask me but it's whatever, it was totally worth it. Our plays that night went alright I guess, I'm just really glad they're finally over. Saturday I had hockey practice and it went a lot better than I expected. We're finally getting prepared for our upcoming tournament next weekend! After practice I went to Tyler's, woke him up (haha), and went back home to take a shower. Then I went back over to Tyler's and we put our costumes on. We were Pebbles and BamBam :) We took pictures together in our costumes then I had to go to work, which was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Since it was the Saturday before Halloween, everyone got to dress up. I had so much fun hostessing as Pebbles with Pocahontas and Jason's wife :P I didn't get off til 11 that night so I just went home after work. Sunday I went to church with my Nanny and Pappy then went to my aunt's house and hung out with my cousins for a while. When I got home that afternoon, I put my costume back on and went to Trunk-or-Treat at church. Emily (my bestfriend) decorated her car as the Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown and dressed up as an ostrich rider with an inflatable ostrich... which doesn't go along with her car at all, but it was still funny. After Trunk-or-Treat, Emily and I drove out to Ann's and got there before she got off work, so we decided to scare her. Me, Emily, and Chan all hid outside while her mom "casually" sit in the rocking chair "talking on her phone" so she could watch us scare her... but it didn't end up scaring her as much as we thought it would, boooo. We all just kinda hung out at her house for like 30 minutes and it was the funniest 30 minutes I've had in a long time. I love my bestfriends, and I had a great Halloween!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The Lost Get Found"

"The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole-

Hello my friend, I remember when you were
So alive with your wide eyes
Then the light that you had in your heart was stolen
Now you say that it ain't worth stayin'
You wanna run but you're hesitatin', I'm talkin' to me

Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere
Somebody needs a reason to believe

Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found

So when you get the chance, are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it
There's a girl on the streets, she's cryin'
There's a man whose faith is dyin', love is callin' you

Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere
Somebody needs a reason to believe

Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found

Why do we go with the flow
Or take an easier road?
Why are we playin' it safe?
Love came to show us the way
Love is a chance we should take
I'm movin' out of the way

Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere
Somebody needs a reason to believe
(Stand out)

Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
(Stand out)
'Cause somewhere
Somebody needs a reason to believe

Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found

So when you get the chance
Are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it

I love love loveee this song. Personally, I think it's extremely powerful. It relays the message that it's important to be yourself and stand out because if you take that one single step to stand out, it gives others the inspiration to be themselves which brings them one step closer in discovering themselves both emotionally and spiritually. This song reminds me that just one little thing can completely change your perspective on everything. It also reminds me that there are people in the world that are hurting and dying inside and that if I have faith and don't give up, it inspires them to do the same. Here's the song :)