Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AYL, minus the newbies.

We had our first actual AYL meeting for mentors and trainers last night. We talked about what we're doing for the parent meeting next week and at the retreat in November, which I'm super pumped for. Chase and I have to speak at the parent meeting about last year's retreat and about the book we study, The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make. I'm really excited to talk to the new first-years about how much fun the retreat is and what we learn with the book. I've actually used what we've learned with this book, it's not just useless information we study to pass the time and make our club seem influencing. It's honestly helped me realize how much these 6 decisions you can make in highschool (school, friends, parents, dating, drugs, & self-worth) can affect you for the rest of your life. I also volunteered to give a "teen talk" at the retreat, which I'm kinda nervous about. A teen talk is a speech you give to the members in AYL about why you joined it. Talking in front of people isn't hard for me, I'm just nervous that I'll mess up and won't do a good job in explaining it. But oh well, hopefully it all goes good!

AYL is seriously the funnest school activity I've ever been involved in. It provides you with a group of people to rely on that have the same values as you, as far as peer pressure goes. I'm really glad Langley chose me as one of the people to come back this year and be a mentor, I'm seriously so excited! :)

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