Thursday, September 30, 2010


So this year's Eaglefest was NOT our best.... I didn't think as much thought was put into it as there has been in the past years. I mean, yeah, being awarded and recognized for your achievements is great, but for the people that didn't get awarded anything, it was probably pretty boring. There wasn't even any fun stuff this year like there was last year, like the teachers dancing in tutus or the seniors dancing in togas. Some people in my class even said they felt like they dressed up in all out blue and white for nothing. I think Eaglefest should've been planned better than it was, but that's just my honest opinion.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not enough time!

My weeks are starting to become hectic! I'm always doing something, whether it be something for school, work, church, or hockey/tennis. By the time I get home every night I just end up going to bed straight after doing homework because I'm so worn out. Somedays all I wanna do is just stay at home and watch a movie!

AYL, minus the newbies.

We had our first actual AYL meeting for mentors and trainers last night. We talked about what we're doing for the parent meeting next week and at the retreat in November, which I'm super pumped for. Chase and I have to speak at the parent meeting about last year's retreat and about the book we study, The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make. I'm really excited to talk to the new first-years about how much fun the retreat is and what we learn with the book. I've actually used what we've learned with this book, it's not just useless information we study to pass the time and make our club seem influencing. It's honestly helped me realize how much these 6 decisions you can make in highschool (school, friends, parents, dating, drugs, & self-worth) can affect you for the rest of your life. I also volunteered to give a "teen talk" at the retreat, which I'm kinda nervous about. A teen talk is a speech you give to the members in AYL about why you joined it. Talking in front of people isn't hard for me, I'm just nervous that I'll mess up and won't do a good job in explaining it. But oh well, hopefully it all goes good!

AYL is seriously the funnest school activity I've ever been involved in. It provides you with a group of people to rely on that have the same values as you, as far as peer pressure goes. I'm really glad Langley chose me as one of the people to come back this year and be a mentor, I'm seriously so excited! :)

School spirit,

I'm not gonna lie, our student body's school spirit sucks. I've been to a couple games this year and there's been hardly any students there. My 8th grade year, there were always a ton of people at the football games, football games were the place to be Friday nights. We don't even have a student section or anything like that for the students to get more involved in, which is probably why a lot of people don't go to games anymore. For example, I went to the Sadie Hawkins game against Catholic and their student section was packed while hardly any students were there to support Apollo, the only reason people from Apollo were there was to show off their skanky outfits, not to cheer on their football team. And this week is spirit week and hardly anybody is dressing up. Spirit week used to be a huge thing! I mean, I don't go all out but I at least try to dress up a little bit, some people don't even try to. Apollo's school spirit has gone wayyyy down since my freshman year. It doesn't even seem like people are excited about dressing up and looking silly to show spirit anymore. It seems to me that students could care less about winning or losing, and we should care.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Work. Hockey practice. Tennis practice. Praise band practice. Church. Filming for ENL. Stories for ENL. AYL meetings. Projects for NHS. Hours for Beta. Good points for Student Council. Studying. Traveling out of town for hockey tournaments. APUSH. Chemistry. Memorizing lines. Spanish 3. Homework. A different class schedule EVERY DAY

High school hasn't been stressful for me until this year.  I'm officially stressed out. I feel like I never have enough time to do anything and when I do have time, all I want to do is be with my friends, boyfriend, or just lay down and take a nap with my dog. I think I need to learn how to balance my time better. Ughhhh, stresssssssss.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Once again, another unsuccessful attempt at blogging. Maybe I'll have bettter luck next class.

On second thought, here's a funny picture. I loveeee this movie!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Birthday boy!

Today's my brother's 14th birthday...
Happy Birthday bubba! (:


So, I've been trying to figure out what to blog about for the past two or three class periods and nothing has come to mind. Nothing. It's not that my life's been boring (it's been the complete opposite, I've been sooo busy), I just haven't been able to think of anything to blog about. It's so frustrating because everyone else is staring intensly at their laptop screen just typing away and I'm just sitting over here in my own little world trying to think of something worth blogging about. Ugh!