Sunday, March 27, 2011


I don't know why, but I've cried a lot lately. And when I say "a lot" I mean A LOT. Like almost every day. And it's not like all these huge, traumatic things keep happening to make me cry, I've just been crying over stupid little things. I have no idea why either. I've just been so overly emotional the past week and it sucks. SUCKS. I hope I'm not like that this week too... :(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

That one day.

So today is that "one day" that happens once a year. Not Christmas, not Valentine's Day, not Halloween, not Labor Day, not the first day of school (thankfully), not the last day of school (unfortunately).... it's my birthday! To celebrate my birthday, as I mentioned a couple blogs ago, I'm going to a Nashville Predators hockey game with my family and my boyfriend. I'm soooo excited. I can't wait (:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Giggle giggle.

So in Anatomy the other day, I was on this one website that has funny pictures on it and all of them were pretty funny and I was holding in my laughter, but as soon as I saw this one I couldn't control it. I don't even know why I think this picture's so funny, but it just cracks me up! I love the big random red blob riding on the bicycle, hahahaha.

Monday, March 14, 2011

O, opossum.

So today on my way to school, I almost hit a opossum! :( It was so scary! I going around the first curve on the curvy road beside Daviess County High School and BOOM. There it was. An ugly, little, helpless, clueless opossum. Just sitting there in the middle of my lane. I didnt know whether I should keep going straight to avoid wrecking, resulting in the death of the discusting creature, or if I should swerve a tiny bit, risking wrecking, resulting in saving the ugly thing's life. I had to think fast... what should I do? Should I save myself or save the "thing"? Such a big decision and a mere second to decide.... what did I do? I, the almighty Jordan, chose to SAVE the opossum! Yes, I saved it. Needless to say, I'm pretty positive the car behind me ran over it... but I didn't. All that matters is I'm not a murderer (:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

17 more days!

So my birthday's in 17 days, and I already got my present this morning. As soon as I got out of bed and I was about to walk into the bathroom to fix my hair, my dad called me in the family room. He was opening an envelope. He said "Come here, look." So I walked over to him and I looked at what was in his hands, and it was a little note from one of our friends that is a security guard at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville (the professional hockey arena) and tickets to a Nashville Predators hockey game. So I asked who they were for and when he said they were for us, I was like "Awe, sweet! When are we going?" After I asked, he pointed at the date on the tickets, and it said Tuesday, March 22nd, which is my birthday (: I was soo excited! But in second period, I emailed my mom and told her it would be really cool if we could either get VIP passes to go talk to all of the players after the game or if Tyler (my boyfriend) could go with us too... I knew the chances of either one of those happening were highly unlikely, but I figured I'd ask anyways. But after we had emailed back and forth for most of the period about how my dad wasn't supposed to tell me about the tickets yet, she emailed me and told me they were getting an extra ticket for Tyler to go too! I'm seriously so excited, I LOVE Predators games. I can't wait to go with my family and Tyler, I hope he loves it and has as much fun as I do (: