Monday, May 23, 2011

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who gives you hugs.

A friend is someone who will get up at 5:30 in the morning with you just to watch the sunset.

A friend is someone who helps you dig a sand spur out of your foot.

A friend is someone who will climb up a giant sand dune with you...

Just so they can jump back down. Then climb back up and do it again.
A friend is someone who will put on a skin tight wetsuit just so they can swim in the 50 degree ocean water for 30 minutes, then get out and struggle for 20 minutes to get the wetsuit off.
A friend is someone who will pose in front of an old outhouse with you.

A friend is someone you can laugh with for hours on end.

A friend is someone who will run on the beach with you.

A friend is someone who will get out of the warm, wind-less car and mess up their hair so you can all get a picture on a giant chair together.

I miss being in North Carolina with my best friends.

Hurry up Summer.

So usually at the end of the school year I'm upset at the fact that I wont be able to see my friends everyday in class, but this year, I could really care less. I'm so over school and everything about it. Now that I can drive and have a car, I don't care that I wont be able to see them at school every day. I can see them whenever I want to, and at a way more convient time than 8 in the morning. I'm so ready for those summer days when I can sleep late, lay out all day, and hang out all night and do it again and again. School is such a stress-maker. I have been so stressed out about school lately, and I don't even know why. I'm just SO ready for it to be over for the summer. I've gotten to the point where I don't even care what I make on certain tests or assignments in some classes, because I know I'll either have an A average to exempt or use my "good faith" exemptions to get out of the final anyways. For example, I just raced through a Spanish test. I mean I'm fairly confident I made a low A or maybe a high B, but I honestly don't care about how I did on it because I plan on using my good faith exemption for Spanish. But oh well, whatever. I, like everyone else, just want school to be over. I'm sooooo ready for summer; no school, no stress, no worries.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Questions to ponder....

I love looking at these questions...  they make me giggle (:
Click the link! >>>  Questions to Ponder.

If you actually go through and read all of the questions in the link I posted in my last blog, some of them really do make you wonder why those things are the way they are.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Prom..... took forever to get here, but it was over in a flash.

All little girls dream about prom at least once during their childhood. I remember when I was little I loved looking at prom dresses. When I went to a department store or dressy store, I would always look through the prom dresses and imagine myself in them. Even just a couple years ago at the end of my freshman year, I remember going through everyone's prom pictures on facebook and looking at everyone's dresses and hairstyles. Last year at the end of my sophomore year, I was a prom attendant so I had the opportunity to actually go to prom and serve punch and give out favors, so instead of going on people's facebooks to see their prom pictures, I actually got to see everyone's beautiful dresses and hairstyles at prom itself. I remember being so jealous that it wasn't time for my prom yet, I remember how anxious I was about it. It felt like it was never going to get here, and I was so scared that I would be let down because I had built it up so much in my mind. But before I knew it, I was finally a junior and prom was only 9 months away. Then Christmas came and it was only 5 months away. Then spring break was over, and it was only a short 2 months away. Then finally, the week of prom came and nobody could stop talking about it. I was starting to get so stressed (as I wrote about in my last blog). Prom has so many decisions to be made in such a short amount of time and it really sneaks up on you if you have a busy life like I do. I had no idea about all the time and money that goes into it. When you're a little girl admiring dresses and hair, you don't realize how much time and money it takes to find the perfect ensemble for yourself and your date. But, luckily, everything was ready in time :) And I was NOT dissappointed in the way prom turned out for me this year, I had just as much fun as I had always imagined having. I'm so excited for prom next year!