Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hypothetically speaking...

Okay. So let's say that, hypothetically speaking, our volleyball team makes it to state. That's a big deal, right? And, hypothetically, we can ride a pep bus to the game to support them. Well, hypothetically, one teacher says that their students aren't allowed to go to the game.... hypothetically, the teacher says they are gonna take points off the students' grade if they go to the hypothetical game and don't get back in time. Yet after hearing this, hypothetically, some of the students decide to go to the game regardless... Hypothetically, this hypothetical situation is not going to end well...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Scary movies?

When I was little, I absolutely hated scary movies. I refused to watch them until about 7th grade. But now, I love them. Scary movies are my favorite! The first scary movie I ever watched was When a Stranger Calls. I remember exactly where I was and my reaction to it and everything. Taylor Keller, Katie Killman, Haleigh Millay, Brianna Oelze, Kaylee Wilhite, and I went to Taylor's aunt's house in Evansville for Taylor's birthday party and stayed the night there. When a Stranger Calls was one of the movies we watched. I remember we were all sitting in the dark living room and I had to sit on the end of the couch. Beside me was a little table with a lamp and a cordless phone on it, remember that... About half way through the movie when it was starting to get pretty intense, Taylor and her uncle got up and went into the kitchen. I didn't think anything of it except for maybe they were going to get a snack or something. A couple minutes later Taylor comes back in the living room and whispers something to everyone but since I'm on the end of the couch, I was last in line to hear what she was saying. By the time she had told everyone I asked to know and they all shh'd me and said they couldn't hear the movie. So I just dropped it and forgot about it. About 10 minutes later in the movie, the phone rang and at the EXACT same time the cordless phone beside me started ringing and I jumped. I looked over and saw that the caller ID said "unknown number" and shortly after the lit up phone began "floating" towards me... I jumped up, screamed, and jumped on the other couch and buried my face into the back cushion. Everyone started laughing so I looked up to see Taylor by the lightswitch and her uncle laying on the floor beside the couch I was on before I jumped up, holding the cordless phone. It was probably one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me! But now its really funny :)